Using The Finish to get into heel position

The finish is a slick method to put your dog back into the heel position when you have interrupted the walk by stopping or after giving your dog permission to “go sniff,” etc. There are two ways to do the finish. Use whichever method your dog seems to prefer.

Method #1, The Flip Finish

How To: Stand with your dog facing you, leaving enough space on your left side for your dog to heel on. It can be helpful to use a barrier such as a chair to the left of your dog’s “heeling space”. Using your left hand, lure your dog’s nose past your left side while stepping back on your left foot. The goal is to get the dog to turn around behind you so that he ends up sitting on the heel position. Treat and praise.

Method #2, The Around Finish

How To: Stand with your dog facing you. Lure dog past your right side, while stepping back on the right leg. Bring the treat around your back and pass it to your left hand. Dog will follow the lure and end up at your left side. Put your dog into a sit. Treat and praise.

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